Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I'm going away in the night.
I'll leave my computer behind, but maybe I'll check e-mails while I'm gone, or maybe not.

Back late tuesday.


Anonymous said...

Hey, hope you had a good trip.. Just wondered where you stand with putting images on your blog that aren't published yet? (but are going to be) does your publisher mind?

Joel Stewart said...

I can't really tell you. I do do it sometimes but normally they're cropped or small. My publishers haven't complained and they do sometimes look here. I keep it mostly down to sketches unless I'm really proud. I think that it isn't strictly allowed in my contracts, but everything with the web is so blurry.

Anonymous said...

yes i agree its a tricky one, i was wondering how you make it so we cant click on your images to see them bigger? i cant find the setting. (sorry for such boring technical questions)

Joel Stewart said...

Oh, it's because I host all my own pictures on my website (gradually becoming too full). They're whatever size I choose them to be in photoshop.