Friday, October 12, 2007

Editing, editing, editing





Joel Stewart said...

no wait


Dave Shelton said...


You know, I've been telling people that I'm busy, but that's a whole different league.


Time to recruit some Filipino orphans to do all the boring bits for you for less than minimum wage...

Joel Stewart said...

Oh, if I could.
I want some colouring in orphans.
And writing.
And tax documenting,
insurance settling...

But it's mostly not big things. Changes to the text for an almost definite edition of Addis Berner Bear, small changes to Have You Ever Seen a Sneep, a slight change to the paperback cover of Stanley one that I'm experimenting with, text questions over the possible Michael Rosen book and mainly Stanley two (that's the big job).

Joel Stewart said...

(American edition of Addis, I mean).

Anonymous said...

Oh it all sounds wonderfully busy! congratulations on your shortlisting by the way- very exciting! For a treat you must watch this short called 'overtime' its wonderful..
if the link doesn't work type in 'muppets overtime' x