Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Souls

Happy November.

That's all my socks paired,
new shelves touched up with paint,
frets on electric guitar sanded and polished,
studio tidied,
years worth of tax receipts threaded onto a string and filed,
Oh ah, I can do this months accounts...

I had a letter about my second draft, which was quite positive but my editor feels that it is somewhat indistinct compared with the first book. I think she is right. I think I am somewhat indistinct too, this year. But I shan't go on with the self fulfilling prophecy that is deadline panic and creative panic in general.

I sent off another cover rough for Have You Ever Seen a Sneep, and I've done a couple of rough spreads for the Michael Rosen book, which I think work quite nicely, but am not sure how to make into finished pieces. I think I will have a cup of tea and drum my fingers...
and do more accounts.

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