Tuesday, July 24, 2007

One wish

Among many.

What I really want is a rope swing over a lake though.


Nick Campbell said...

Just wanted to say, Trouble With Wenlocks = Wonderful; thank you for doing it.

Joel Stewart said...

Thank-you so much,
I can't see it at all, but I learned stuff making it, I'm pretty sure.

Did you get one with lipstick on the portrait of me or no? It seems to be about two in three...

Nick Campbell said...

Gosh, yes! It makes you look slightly more pouty. You need a cheroot and a windjammer's jacket like Tove's, for balance.

Did you find that photo on the Russian fansite? There are her illustrations from Hunting of the Snark there too, which may be of interest to a Jabberwockier.

Joel Stewart said...

Absolutely, I need these things anyway.

No. I scanned the photo from The Winter Book. I've seen that site though. I would like a copy of her Alice very very much. The Snark pictures I don't think are so strong. I looked for the Alice book in Finland but couldn't find it anywhere. I got the Hobbit though, which is beautiful.

Nick Campbell said...

The Snark must be hard to do. Hers are oddly over-Moominy - but a couple of the pictures are nicely frightening.

Maybe Sort Of Books could reissue the Alice. The text costs them nothing, after all. Jansson should have done Looking-Glass too. Her White Knight would have been the jam on the pancake.

Joel Stewart said...

I get the feeling that the Snark was a fairly early work, and that Alice she did quite late on. I almost think it might be the book she is referring to in the chapter from Fair Play that I quoted the other week about spending a year alone working on some important illustrations.

Maybe I should hassle the publisher about Alice. I wish she'd done Looking glass also.