Thursday, January 10, 2008

"Winter dreams the same dream every time."

I finished december's very scraggly sketchbook today. And my hat went in a puddle.



McDonnellDoodles said...

Your sketches are really beautiful. Do you sketch from observation, or memory, or both? Is this ink wash or pencil? Do you have any other super powers?

Joel Stewart said...

Pencil and ivory black watercolour.
These are all from observation, although often it is a very fleeting observation.
The more washy watercolour pictures that appear here now and again are all from memory/imagination.
I can play the banjo...

Anonymous said...

Very strange - just watched Lois Thoreau's documentary on an American prison and the end titles were accompanied by a Tom Waits track - I'd hadn't heard or thought about him since 1984 college days and Sawfishtrombone - sat at the PC and here he is again. I like your sketches a lot

Joel Stewart said...

He and his wife have done a lot of good between now and then. And not all that much bad.

And if I am right about who you are, I love the Ivor Cutler film you made.

Brilig said...

Thanks. We made a load more over Chistmas but that's probably it as the kids got fed up - no dedication. I threatened that I'd start using puppets but I'm sure I heard a collective sigh of relief from them. We're at briligplace.blogspot etc