Sunday, January 6, 2008


Signed editions of these, and also Wenlocks, Xyder & Zeeder and Han Andersen, if you're passing Foyles on Charing Cross Rd...


Crista Noel Smith said...

Han Andersen like Han Solo?

Joel Stewart said...

Indeed, did you not know a Wookie wrote all the sad bits.

Unknown said...

Congrats Joel! I hope it sells a million + copies. I just got Dexter Bexley and it's brilliant and I'm waiting for Addis bear impatiently. By the way, I bought the Magic Paintbrush years ago because I love the art and only this week realized you did the art work. I even based a curtain pattern on your bird drawings in my first book!

Rima Staines said...

Happy New Year Joel and wow to your books :) And even more wow to those fantastic drawings. Hope you had a happy christmastime in the snow... it is here in our part of scotland one day then gone the next, then back again... (the snow that is)
All the best for a very creative 2008 both with pencils and music :) Rima

Joel Stewart said...

Happy New Year Rima, and thanks.

Which part of Scotland is that? In East Lothian it was just a thin covering when I left, but yours seemed quite proper.

Brilig said...

Kids just read Dexter Bexley in Waterstone's Tunbridge Wells - they liked it a lot. Its got a very prominent position in the window.

tina kugler said...

hello there, are you still selling your little sketches? we are paupers but i'd like to get one for the husband's birthday. (specifically, the last one on the post, the fellow in the hat & coat.)
i work as a children's librarian & always put dexter bexley in a prominent spot.