Thursday, September 27, 2007

I am not a number!

Well, not yet anyway, but after a million pages of forms and instructions and at least four weeks of waiting I may well yet become one. Wow, US tax documents are unbelievably complicated (I have a book to do direct for the US). I need a new passport too. And, and...
My desk (Now I'm back in London) is covered in forms and bills and other quite depressing documents.

But there's my invitation to the Booktrust Early Years awards on there, too. So I'll be out on the town tonight.


Unknown said...

Did you draw these on a Moleskin? They're wonderful drawings.

Joel Stewart said...

The answer is yes, as it is to almost all the other sketches here, unless the background is white. And I thought they were all a touch gloomy. But I like the one of my grandfather.

Stephanie Roth Sisson said...

Dude- the tax forms in the US are amazingly confusing and tedious! I usually buy one of the tax preparation softwares available to do it for me...otherwise it's like a bad test where you can't figure out what the flip the question is actually asking...I read somewhere that lawyers used to be paid by the word- so maybe it's a throw back to that.

On a happier note- many good wishes and congatulations on your well deserved acalaids (I spelled that wrong I'm sure) - Well deserved! And if you some to the US you had better come over and see us on the left coast!!

Joel Stewart said...

Thanks Steph. And of course.