Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Late last night & the night before.

From last night:

From the night before:

(More of these soon).


Dave Shelton said...

Congratulations, Joel, that's great. Hurrah!

Just how long does one remain "new" these days though?

And how big is that thing? Could you wear it on your lapel and imagine yourself the sheriff of illustration?

Susan Mitchell said...

That's wonderful! Congratulations :)

Sarah said...

Hi Joel, it was great meeting you last night! I've admired your work for ages, so it was fun putting a face to the name. I love the way all of your books look so different, with you doing whatever looks best for each book.
Hope to run into you again sometime.

Best wishes, Sarah :-)


Joel Stewart said...

Thanks everyone...

Dave, the star is about actual size there, depending on the res of your screen. And that's ten sherrifs (too many) and now I'm imagining a lot of bad whistling and bleeding illustrators lying in the dust. The criteria for new with these awards were that you had to have been published since 2000, which means I remain new for another year or so... It's the reason that lovely David Roberts didn't make it into the top ten (1997, I think).

I'm tired now. Thanks again.

Joel Stewart said...

Didn't mean to sound so rude. I actually am very tired....

It was nice to meet you too, Sarah.

Stephanie Roth Sisson said...

Wowie Zowie! Fabulous!