Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Picking up...

...very nearly where the first book left off.

This morning I finished the first spread of Dexter Bexley & the Big Blue Beastie on the Road. Given that all the other spreads are very nearly finished too, I ought really to sign and send off the contract...


Dave Shelton said...

That's a lovely, lovely thing.

Anonymous said...

I love it. I presume that's a hooter dexter has, as in 'Dexter Bexley hoo etc

this is now my desktop


Joel Stewart said...

Aye. It begins "Dexter Bexley and the Big Blue Beastie hooted... and hooted..."

I'll e-mail you a higher res one if you like, for a less jpegy desktop...

Unknown said...

Looks great Joel. When's the release date?

Joel Stewart said...

boo, P what's your current e-mail address? I tried to send but it got returned...

Anonymous said...

Hi Joel; I hav etwo emails from you fridasy 4.21; one has the image attached; thanks

when do we get to see Dexter Bexley looted?
