Monday, February 22, 2010


But first:


Amidst packing to be at the flat near the TV studio (I'm still working away at least a third of the week at the moment) I realized that there are a lot of emails I haven't had time to reply to. So this is kind of a catchall apology (I think it's not the first) to students etc. who've written asking for essay interviews and the like. I'm sorry if I've missed you, but it's likely that I will continue to do so for a while, even while I've caved and bought an iphone (as much a distraction as a help!), I'm keeping up with a team of about eighteen people on the show, and faraway essays and stuff do fall off the edge of most day's to-do lists.

Here's a lovely thing that came that way some time ago...

Red Ted!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Good News!

Somebody brilliant got for me, not only a maths cauliflower,

but also amazing tickets to see Joanna Newsom.

As well as all that, several animation things are at last falling into place.